As the US Presidential election enters its last month and the news tends to go a little crazy, I love watching to hear what themes come up.
Consider this: on Columbus Day this Monday, people were arrested for trespassing in North Dakota at the site of the oil pipeline over Native lands. Whether or not you approve of the pipeline isn’t the point. Hearing about the right to protest, Native American treatment in our country, whether we should celebrate Columbus at all, the environmental impacts of oil… all of these topics come up around an event.
My real question to you is, what topics or events are making their way into your marketing?
Someone who writes about equality or history would find the current situation unfolding in North Dakota rife with opportunity.
Those who teach the law or discuss civil protest would be smart to use the current action of Colin Kaepernick as an example or case study in their own writing.
No matter what you teach or promote or sell, there’s always an opportunity to tie what you believe to current events in order to grab attention and interest.
Now, do realize that this is not the same as click-baiting. There’s a difference between the link promising salacious details about the robbery of a celebrity abroad and sharing “Learn from a $10M robbery – how to be safe when you travel.”
(Sorry, I cannot bring myself to even name the people in that second example on this blog. You know who I mean.)
If you’re in your business, in your field every single day – as you should be – then there are topics that come up in the news media that you should be using to reach out. Let me ask you this:
What are you sick and tired of hearing, seeing, or allowing in regards to your business?
Are you tired of health coaches who want everyone on the same diet when you know that eating plans have to be customized?
Are you fed up seeing slick marketing win over substance while clients lose their savings?
Are you ready to say “stop” to dog trainers who use punishing technique to keep pets in line?
I don’t think that every marketing post needs to be full of ranting and raving, but sharing now and then what you wish would change, the things you wouldn’t allow, is powerful. Standing up for what you believe in is powerful.
Stop being so boring, fitting in, and working without ruffling feathers.
Share what you’re passionate about and do it with conviction.
For example…
- I’m tired of being asked to promote platforms for systems. Software matters maybe 10% of the equation. What your system contains is 90% of the value.
- I’m sick of hearing how entrepreneurs are “so busy” and “work so hard” for their clients that they can’t take a vacation. You’re choosing not to by not having continuity systems in place.
- We’re all probably sick of hearing how “the system doesn’t work” from disgruntled cashiers all the way to politicians, without also hearing a proposed solution. Don’t just complain, change.
- I know I’m tired of entrepreneurs assuming that planning their business systems can come after SEO and a new website and all the fancy stuff. Sure, just put in the foundation last, that will work.
- Maybe it’s just me, but does anyone else get sick of doing the same (boring) things day in and day out? Hiring and training competent help has been a lifesaver for me!
Now it’s your turn: go and share in your own way what you are taking a stand for or against and don’t be afraid to be bold!