We were standing in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency Hotel before the Unstoppable Foundation Gala, discussing what this charity means personally and why we each chose to support it. Here’s what came to my mind:
In business, we rarely have just a single problem or issue. It’s often several that overlap and intersect, and solving one just puts more pressure on another. Say you’re having a hard time closing clients and your intake process is messy.
A coach comes in and helps you “close the sale” and now you have an increase of 25%! Great, right? Well, if you don’t fix your intake process, you have 25% more confused and annoyed new clients to handle.
This is the same in social problems as well. If you were simply to build schools in communities where children were under-educated but didn’t provide healthcare to keep those children attending class, you’re not addressing the whole problem. And if those children are in school but are so hungry they can’t concentrate, then the education isn’t making a difference.
It’s the reason that I support the Unstoppable Foundation (click to learn more if you’re interested).
Since starting this blog nearly 3 years ago, I’ve always included a lesson or tactic for your business as well. So here are 2 things you can take away from the Unstoppable Foundation’s example:
1) When you’re serving your clients ask yourself what they truly need to succeed. If you can’t provide everything, consider partnerships, affiliates, recommended resources, and bundles to ensure your clients get everything they need.
2) When working on your own business try to avoid hyper focus on ONE issue. Sure, there are some big things you need to have in place, but there are usually lots of little issues, problems or systems that need to be addressed as well. Consider approaching your business with a more holistic mindset.