The first time I shot the pistol, I did not hit the bullseye. In fact, I don’t even think I shot the paper…
Let’s just say the wood above the targets may have received an extra hole or three.
But even though I found out Sunday that I’m clearly not a natural when it comes to shooting, I keep practicing. And steadily through each round I got a little better. My Dad has quite the collection so I tried out a few rifles, shooting left handed, even an automatic, which had some serious kick to it.
I learned much more than lining up the shot and reloading and “don’t go in the galley when others are shooting.” I learned that while practice doesn’t always make perfect, practice is essential if you want to get better.
Sure, there are times I wish I lived in the Matrix and with the push of a button I could learn karate, expert markswomanship and a dozen foreign languages. But that’s fiction and a fantasy.
If you want to get better at something you’ll need to practice. Even more, you’ll need the support of someone who has been there and shot that many times before. Because without my Dad on hand, I would have never figured out what bullets to use, how to steady my shot and aim, and I wouldn’t have the tools either. And let me assure you: eye and ear protection is an essential tool on the range.
It’s not always easy to ask for help, or to keep practicing something when we feel like we’re not “good enough” the first time around. So with each new skill, each training you pick up, ask yourself a few questions:
1. Is this important for me to learn myself? Do I need to become an expert or just learn the basics?
2. How can I make the learning curve faster with support?
3. How do I learn best?
On that last point I do have to say, the way you learn best will vary based on what you’re trying to learn. Sure, I could watch YouTube videos and read a book on a subject, but sometimes you have to get hands on. This will really depend on your personality and also what you’re learning.
When it comes to systems, I don’t believe that it’s a skill you can outsource without at least knowing the basics. Which is why we have courses, programs and private coaching for those who need some hands on help.
Action Step: When it comes to your business, what kind of learning works best for you? Consider how you’re getting that support now.
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