One of the primary challenges that entrepreneurs face is deciding how to get support in their business, who to hire, what work to give them, how to train and how to manage their work.
I’m not going to sugar coat it, there’s a lot of work involved.
Sometimes the advice about outsourcing can be more confusing than helpful, it seems that there’s a lot of opinions and most conflicting.
The first challenge is to know what tasks you’re going to outsource.
To really understand how to build your business starting with outsourcing you’ll have to take stock of your business. The reason that much of the generic outsourcing advice you read is so conflicting is that different things work in different businesses.
Do you know how your time is currently spent in your business? The tasks that you do every day give great insight into how you’re using your time and will enable you to understand how to create leverage in your business.
The first step : beginning today track your time throughout the week and note all of the tasks that you do personally.
Your list might include:
writing website copy
loading photos or testimonials on a website
coaching clients
setting up appointments
answering emails
updating files
posting on twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook
reaching out to colleagues
talking with leads
And dozens of other routine tasks.
You must do this work to understand what are the tasks that you can outsource so that we can move on to the other concerns such as:
What if they don’t do things my way?
How do I know they’re doing the work?
What happens if they do a horrible job?
Isn’t it easier to do myself?
We’ll be covering these in the next few weeks so be sure to subscribe via RSS and join my newsletter to get all the updates, special offers and my free toolkit: Play a Bigger Game Business Playbook.