Last October I was spending a lot of time reflecting on support, both in life and business, as my Grandpa had recently spent weeks in the hospital before dying at 90 years old. At the time I considered how important life support systems are to us all, healthy or ill.
If you are in the hospital and your body is struggling then the medical experts with years of collective experience will use their knowledge and available systems to get you back in good health.
Now, there might be some complications if:
the patient doesn’t believe they’re sick
the patient sees signs but ignores them
the patient won’t accept treatment
Each of these complications can be overcome but only if the patient is willing to change their viewpoint and accept help. Our businesses are just like a patient facing a medical problem, and we must overcome similar challenges if they are to operate in optimal health.
It’s absolutely amazing how many resources are available to businesses, and many experts and coaches provide valuable free content that can help you reach your business goals. Why then do some entrepreneurs refuse to accept that support?
If the business owner believes,
I am happy with the way business is running, no matter the inefficiencies
I make the changes in my business, no one else can tell me what to do
that’s nice you want to help but I’m not interested in improving that right now
Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? But just like the patient in the hospital protesting that they don’t really want to pay the insurance deductible and you know, they just don’t have the time to go through treatment and it doesn’t hurt that bad – you may be deluding yourself in your business as well.
Are you afraid to make changes because you’d have to spend money or invest time? Does the idea of turning to an expert for their opinion make you nervous? Are you unwilling to face that you might not know everything?
Be aware of these thoughts when they come up and identify why you’re not taking action.
A year ago my Grandpa passed away, possibly before his time, because he didn’t acknowledge symptoms that pointed to a serious medical condition. By the time the doctors were aware it was too late to treat.
Now obviously, your health is something to pay close attention to because the consequences can be severe. Similarly, don’t sacrifice the health of your business by ignoring symptoms and ignoring life support systems.